How to Make Money on Audible: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Udochi J. Stephen

How to make money on Audible is the exact keyword I looked up for some time back on YouTube. It led me to Dane McBeth Publishing’s YouTube channel, and what I saw was incredible. The check below shows the potential earnings of $4,420.83. If Dane made such an amount of money from Audible, you too can. So, first, let’s see what Audible is.

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What is Audible?

Audible, a subsidiary of Amazon, has emerged as the go-to platform for audiobook enthusiasts worldwide. With the increasing demand for audio content, Audible’s popularity has skyrocketed.

In this article, I will guide you on how to make money on Audible, helping you turn your passion for audiobooks into a lucrative venture. So, let’s explore the exciting world of Audible and discover the path to potential earnings.

1. Become an Audiobook Narrator 


One way to make money on Audible is to become an audiobook narrator. According to Glassdoor, the typical annual salary for a Book Narrator in the United States is $57,511, representing a 1% increase compared to the average salary of $56,571 per year for this position at Audible. Let’s delve into the steps to kickstart your journey:

  1. Getting Started: To begin, you need a clear, expressive voice and the passion to bring stories to life. However, there’s no need for a fancy studio; a quiet space with minimal or no background noise is sufficient.
  2. Recording Equipment: Invest in a good quality microphone and audio recording software. You don’t need a soundproof room, but ensure that your recordings are crisp and clear.
  3. Narration Skills: Work on your pacing, diction, and emotional expression. Narrators need to convey the story’s emotions effectively. Practice reading aloud and recording to refine your skills.
  4. Editing Your Audio: Editing tools like Audacity can help you clean up your recordings. Remove any mistakes, background noise, or long pauses to create a polished final product.
  5. ACX – Audiobook Creation Exchange: ACX is Amazon’s platform where you can find audiobook narration opportunities. You can audition for projects and, if selected, earn royalties on each sale.
  6. Choose the Right Book: Pick books that match your voice and style. This ensures a more enjoyable narration experience and better reviews from listeners.
  7. Submit Your Audiobook: After narrating, submit your audiobook for review and approval on ACX. If accepted, it will be available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes for listeners to purchase.

By following these steps, you can embark on a narrating career and begin making money on Audible. It’s a fulfilling way to share your voice and earn a living while doing what you love.

2. Self-publish Your Audiobook

If you’re an author or have a written work you’d like to convert into an audiobook, Audible’s ACX platform provides a golden opportunity to share your content and make money.

Benefits of Self-Publishing on Audible:

Control: Self-publishing gives you control over your content and earnings. Furthermore, you have the option to set your own prices, choose your narrator, and create your audiobook your way, which is a significant advantage.

Royalties: You can earn up to 40% royalties on sales through Audible and other platforms. In addition, this means you can potentially generate a substantial income from your audiobook.

Wide Reach: Your audiobook will be available to a vast audience on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. In the same way, this wide distribution ensures your content reaches a broad spectrum of listeners.

Steps to Self-Publish on Audible with ACX:

Sign Up: Create an account on ACX and browse through the available projects or post your own. Once you’ve registered, you can start your journey into audiobook self-publishing.

Audiobook Production: If you choose to self-narrate, follow the steps mentioned in Section 1. Alternatively, if you prefer not to narrate it yourself, find a suitable narrator on ACX.

Audiobook Submission: Once your audiobook is ready, submit it for review. Ensure it meets Audible’s quality standards. After completing this crucial step, your audiobook will be one step closer to reaching a wider audience.

Distribution: Your audiobook will be distributed on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Moreover, this means it will be readily available to a global audience, increasing your chances of success.

Promote Your Audiobook: Use social media, your website, and other marketing strategies to boost your audiobook’s visibility. Notably, promoting your audiobook is essential to its success.

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Tips for Marketing and Promotion:

Leverage Social Media: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to create buzz around your audiobook. Additionally, these platforms offer a cost-effective way to reach potential listeners.

Author Website: Feature your audiobook prominently on your author’s website with links to purchase. Your website is a central hub for your audience to discover and purchase your audiobook.

Audiobook Reviews: Encourage listeners to leave reviews on Audible and Amazon to build credibility. Equally important, positive reviews can enhance your audiobook’s reputation.

Audiobook Samples: Share snippets of your audiobook on social media and your website to entice potential buyers. For instance, providing samples can give listeners a taste of what they can expect.

Audiobook Sales and Discounts: Periodically offer your audiobook at a discounted price to attract more listeners. On top of that, running promotions can drive sales and increase your earnings.

Self-publishing your audiobook on Audible is an excellent way to get your content in front of a larger audience while earning royalties. In conclusion, with the right marketing efforts, you can increase your audiobook’s visibility and maximize your income on Audible.”

3. Affiliate Marketing with Audible

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Another fantastic avenue to make money on Audible is by becoming an affiliate. Audible’s affiliate program lets you promote Audible memberships and earn commissions. Here’s how to get started:

I. First and foremost, Sign Up for Audible’s Affiliate Program:

  • Visit the Audible Affiliate Program website.
  • Click on “Become an Affiliate” to create your affiliate account.
  • Fill in your details and agree to the terms and conditions.
  • Once approved, you’ll have access to your affiliate dashboard.

Note that affiliate commissions amount to $0.50 for each sale of ALC and are provided to both new and returning customers of ALC.

II. Join the Audible Partner Program

Audible has a partner program powered by Impact. By participating in this program you get to earn $15 for each trial membership you generate!

Here is how the Promotion Works:

  • First, you have to share a 30-day complimentary Audible trial using your unique referral link.
  • Secondly, direct potential listeners to a dedicated Audible trial landing page.
  • Receive a $15 commission for each successful trial activation you generate.
  • Finally, your audience will have the opportunity to enjoy a free audiobook during the trial period.

III. Strategies for Promoting Audible Memberships:

  • Content Creation: Create blog posts, articles, or videos discussing the benefits of Audible memberships. Additionally, you can use your affiliate links to direct your audience to Audible’s sign-up page.
  • Email Marketing: If you have a mailing list, send out targeted emails highlighting the advantages of Audible. Moreover, be sure to include your affiliate links for easy access.
  • Social Media Promotion: Share your affiliate links on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Furthermore, you can create engaging posts about your audiobook journey and how Audible memberships have contributed to it.
  • Review Audiobooks: Review popular audiobooks, mentioning the convenience of Audible memberships. Include your affiliate links in your reviews.
  • Giveaways and Contests: Organize giveaways or contests with Audible memberships as prizes. Likewise, encourage participants to sign up using your affiliate links.
  • Author Collaboration: If you’re an author, collaborate with other authors who might benefit from Audible memberships and promote them together.

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4. Create Audiobook Reviews or Content:

Creating audiobook reviews, blogs, or YouTube channels can be a fun and rewarding way to make money on Audible. Here’s how you can get started and monetize your content:

I. Create Audiobook Reviews or Content:

  • Choose Your Niche: Select a niche or genre of audiobooks that you are passionate about and have expertise in. Conversely, this will make your content more authentic and appealing to your audience.
  • Quality Content: Focus on creating high-quality reviews or content. In addition, provide valuable insights, summaries, and your personal recommendations for audiobooks. Be honest and constructive in your reviews.
  • Consistency: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

II. Sponsored Content:

  • Collaborate with publishers, authors, or Audible itself for sponsored content opportunities. For instance, they may pay you to create reviews or promote specific audiobooks.
  • Ensure sponsored content aligns with your niche and maintains your usual level of quality and authenticity.

III. Providing Value to Your Audience:

  • Keep your audience’s best interests in mind. Your reviews and content should help them discover great audiobooks and enhance their listening experience.
  • Be honest in your assessments, and don’t hesitate to mention both the pros and cons of the audiobooks you review.

5. Monetize Your Podcast on Audible

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Creating and monetizing a podcast on Audible can be a rewarding endeavor. Here’s how you can get started, explore advertising and sponsorship opportunities, and grow your podcast audience:

  • Content Selection: Choose a niche or topic that you’re passionate about and that aligns with Audible’s audience. Consider what kind of content will engage your listeners.
  • Recording and Editing: Next, Invest in a good-quality microphone and audio editing software. Ensure your audio is clear and professional. Audible has quality standards, so meeting them is crucial.
  • Podcast Hosting: Use a reliable podcast hosting platform to store and distribute your episodes. This is the foundation for your podcast’s accessibility on Audible.

How to Submit Your Podcast to Amazon Music & Audible

Making your podcast accessible on both Amazon Music and Audible is a straightforward process. These two platforms are interconnected, allowing you to submit your content just once for it to appear on both services.

Step 1: Retrieve Your RSS Feed from Your Podcast Host

To initiate the Amazon podcast submission, you’ll need your podcast’s RSS feed from your hosting site. Most hosting providers make it a simple task to obtain your feed for distribution. Consult your hosting service to locate instructions on how to access your podcast’s feed.

Step 2: Access the Amazon Music Podcasters Website

All podcast submissions to Amazon Music and Audible are managed through the Amazon Music Podcasters website. You can start the submission process by clicking the “Add or Claim Your Podcast” button, located on the left side of the screen. Once you do this, you’ll be prompted to either log in to your existing Amazon account or create a new account for managing your podcast. We recommend creating a separate account for podcast management.

Step 3: Submit Your RSS Feed to Amazon

After you’ve logged in or created your new account, you’ll be redirected to a screen where you can input your RSS feed URL and select the country where your podcast is intended for. Paste the RSS feed you copied in Step 1 into the designated field and indicate your podcast’s target country. Ensure you choose the correct country, as podcast content availability varies by region. If Amazon does not currently offer podcasts in your area, they will automatically add your show once the service becomes available. Complete the process by clicking the “Submit” button.

Step 4: Verify Podcast Ownership

As the final step in the submission process, Amazon will send an email to the address associated with your RSS feed to verify ownership. Click the provided link in the email to confirm that you own the podcast. After this verification, you’ll be directed to the Amazon for Podcasters dashboard, where you can track the status of your submission. Amazon typically verifies and makes podcasts available for listening on Amazon Music and Audible within 24 hours of the submission request.

Tips for Submitting Your Podcast to Amazon Music

Now that you’ve learned how to add your podcast to Amazon Music and Audible, it’s important to be aware of the requirements for listing your content on these platforms. Here are some key tips to consider before requesting the inclusion of your podcast on Amazon Music and Audible:

  • Ensure your podcast has a unique title and branding.
  • Prepare square show artwork sized between 1400px x 1400px and 3000px x 3000px.
  • Have at least one episode uploaded on your podcast host.
  • Your RSS feed must include a title, a description, and an image.
  • Make sure your podcast adheres to Amazon’s content guidelines, which prohibit content that belongs to others, harasses individuals or groups, primarily advertises products or services, contains explicit or sexually graphic material, incites illegal activities, promotes hate speech, or is false, deceptive, or misleading in any way.

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Sell Audiobook-related Products or Merchandise

You can make money on Audible by selling merchandise related to audiobooks or Audible. This approach allows you to tap into the audiobook niche and reach audiobook enthusiasts with products that resonate with them. Here’s how to get started:

Choose Your Products: Consider a range of products like t-shirts, mugs, bookmarks, or even custom audiobook-themed items. After that, look for products that are unique and have the potential to appeal to audiobook fans.

Design and Branding: Create compelling and eye-catching designs that connect with the audiobook audience. For instance, include popular audiobook quotes or unique illustrations.. Also, ensure your branding aligns with the theme and tone of audiobooks. This connection can make your products more attractive to potential buyers.

Online Sales Platforms: Set up an online store on platforms like Etsy, Shopify, or Amazon Handmade. These platforms offer a convenient way to showcase and sell your merchandise. After that, use your store to emphasize the connection between your products and audiobooks. For instance, use phrases like “Audiobook Freak Collection” or “Audiobook Warmers.”

How to Make Money on Audible – Tips for Success

When it comes to making money on Audible, success doesn’t happen overnight. Here are some valuable tips to help you along the way.

  1. High-Quality Content is Key: Firstly, ensure your audiobook narrations, reviews, or podcasts are of the highest quality. In particular, professionalism and attention to detail can set you apart. Create engaging and informative content that resonates with your target audience. Not only does this improve your chances of success, but it also encourages people to come back for more.
  2. Effective Marketing: Additionally, promote your audiobook, podcast, or services consistently. For instance, use social media, your website, and email marketing to reach a wider audience. Encourage reviews and ratings from your audience to build credibility and attract new listeners or customers.
  3. Build and Engage Your Audience: Furthermore, interact with your audience through comments, emails, or social media. Engaging with your listeners or readers helps to create a loyal following. Similarly, collaborate with others in your niche or industry to tap into their existing audience and expand your reach.
  4. Persistence and Patience: Building a sustainable income on Audible takes time. However, don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep working on your craft and marketing efforts. In the long run, be patient and persistent in your pursuit. Success often comes to those who keep at it.

Remember, making money on Audible is not just about income but also about sharing your passion and expertise with others. Stay committed to creating exceptional content, marketing effectively, and engaging your audience. Your efforts will pay off over time. Success on Audible is within reach for those who are dedicated and persistent.

How to Make Money on Audible: Concluding Thought 

Making money on Audible is an exciting journey that offers various opportunities to showcase your talents and passions. Moreover, whether you choose to become a narrator, self-publish your audiobooks, explore affiliate marketing, create content, or offer production services, success on Audible may require a combination of these different strategies.

The key to achieving financial success on Audible is to stay dedicated, produce high-quality content, and actively engage with your audience. Building a sustainable income may take time and patience, but the rewards are well worth the effort. As you continue to explore and refine your approach, your journey on Audible can become a fulfilling and prosperous one.

How to Make Money on Audible – FAQs

1. Can you actually make money from Audible?

Yes, you can make money from Audible through various avenues. Whether you’re an audiobook narrator, a self-published author, an affiliate marketer, a content creator, or a podcaster, Audible offers opportunities to earn income. Success on Audible may require time, effort, and the right strategy, but it’s a platform where many individuals have turned their passion for audiobooks into a source of revenue.

2. How much money does Audible pay?

Audible’s payment structure can vary depending on the specific way you’re earning money. As an audiobook narrator, for example, you can earn royalties that typically range from 20% to 40% of the audiobook’s sales price. Authors who self-publish their audiobooks can earn royalties as well. Affiliate marketers earn commissions based on Audible sign-ups and purchases through their referral links. The amount you can make depends on the specific program, your performance, and other factors.

3. Is Audible side hustle real?

Yes, Audible can be a real and viable side hustle. Many individuals have successfully turned their passion for audiobooks and related skills into a source of additional income. Whether you choose to narrate audiobooks, self-publish your work, engage in affiliate marketing, create content, or offer production services, Audible offers real opportunities to make money. However, like any side hustle, success may vary depending on your dedication, effort, and the strategies you employ.

4. What’s the key to success in monetizing a podcast on Audible?

The key to success in monetizing a podcast on Audible is to consistently produce high-quality content, actively market your podcast, and build a dedicated audience. Leveraging advertising, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing can help you earn money from your podcast. It’s essential to remain persistent and patient, as it may take time to see significant financial returns.

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