Get Paid to Read Books: These 15 Platforms Pay

By Udochi J. Stephen

Get Paid to Read Books – That’s the title you saw, and you clicked it. Is this possible? Well, let’s find out together. Do you love reading books and wish you could get paid for it? This dream is becoming a reality for many bookworms. In fact, the idea of getting paid to read books is gaining popularity, and people are increasingly interested in this unique opportunity.

In this article, we will explore the world of book lovers who have turned their passion into a source of income. We have compiled a list of 15 platforms where you can get paid for reading books. So, if you are ready to combine your love for reading with a way to earn money, keep reading. We are about to reveal some exciting options available to you.

1. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

If you’ve ever ventured into the world of e-books, you’re probably familiar with Amazon Kindle. But did you know that Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) offers an intriguing opportunity for book lovers to get paid for reading books?

For example, authors can earn a bonus of $100 for every 10,000 pages of their book that are read by Kindle Unlimited subscribers. However, KDP allows authors to pay royalties to reviewers who take the time to share their honest and thoughtful opinions. As a reader, you can dive into the digital pages of a KDP book, immerse yourself in the story, and then express your insights through a review. Your opinion matters, and KDP authors are willing to reward you for it.

When writing these reviews, it’s crucial to be sincere and considerate. This means sharing your genuine thoughts about the book, whether you loved it or found areas for improvement. Your feedback is valuable for both the author and potential readers.

By participating in KDP’s review system, you’re not just enjoying your reading; you’re also helping authors refine their craft. And, in return, you have the chance to earn a bit of extra cash while doing what you love—reading. It’s a win-win situation for book enthusiasts, and it’s one of the ways you can truly get paid to read books.

2. Audible Audiobook Narration

Are you more of a listener than a reader? If so, Audible, the audiobook giant, offers a unique avenue to get paid for your love of books. To begin, you get to make a PFH rate of $10 to $100, while those with more experience can earn between $100 and $350 per finished hour.

Here’s how it works: Audible connects authors and publishers with talented individuals like you, who can lend their voices to bring written words to life. As an audiobook narrator, you have the chance to get paid for reading books aloud, sharing the magic of storytelling through your voice.

To embark on this journey, you’ll start by auditioning for audiobook narration jobs. Audible provides a platform where you can showcase your skills and narrate a sample of a book. This sample serves as your audition, allowing you to demonstrate your talent and capture the essence of the story.

If you’re chosen for a narration project, you’ll be paid for your work, and the audiobook will be shared with listeners worldwide. It’s a rewarding experience, combining your passion for books with your unique ability to convey a tale through your voice.

So, if you’re a book enthusiast with a captivating voice, Audible’s audiobook narration opportunities are a fantastic way to “Get Paid to Read Books” in a whole new format.

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3. Get Paid to Read Books as a Proofreader/Editor

Get Paid to Read Books as a ProofreaderPin

The typical income for a Proofreader stands at $22.38 hourly. And, that of an editor $5,255 a month. If you adore books and have an eagle eye for detail, there’s an enticing way to get paid to read books by working as a proofreader or editor. This opportunity combines your passion for literature with income. Here’s how to get started:

I. Freelancing Platforms:

Freelance websites like Upwork and Fiverr offer numerous book proofreading and editing gigs. Authors and publishers seek professionals to enhance their manuscripts. However, what you have to do is to expand your portfolio by actively editing various book types, from novels to academic texts. Build a compelling profile showcasing your experience and dedication to quality work. Positive client reviews boost credibility.  Define competitive yet transparent pricing to attract potential clients.

II. Job Sites:

Job platforms like Indeed and LinkedIn post editorial positions with publishers, magazines, and newspapers, actively involving book editing. On the other hand, all you have to do is to Craft a resume emphasizing your editing skills and relevant industry experience.  Customize job applications to spotlight your passion for books and your ability to refine written content. If you secure an interview, discuss your love for books and how your meticulous editing skills contribute to the organization.

In both freelancing and job contexts, your talent for improving written content opens the door to “Getting Paid to Read Books.” Merge your love for literature with your professional skills to embark on a rewarding career in the world of books.

4. Get Paid to Read Books Using Goodreads Giveaways

Wouldn’t it be great if you could receive free books and get paid to read them? Goodreads Giveaways make this possible. Authors and publishers often offer free copies of their books in exchange for honest reviews, making it a terrific opportunity for book enthusiasts. These giveaways are worth $599 per giveaway for Premium and $119 per giveaway for Standard.

The process is simple. You can visit Goodreads and explore the available giveaways. When you find a book that piques your interest, enter the giveaway. If you’re among the lucky recipients, you’ll receive a free copy of the book.

Now, here’s where you can get paid to read books in a different way. After reading the book, you can provide a thoughtful review on Goodreads and other platforms. Your reviews can catch the attention of other readers, potentially leading to more recognition for the book and its author.

While you won’t receive monetary compensation upfront, your reviews can have a significant impact. They can help boost the book’s visibility, which is valuable to authors and publishers. In some cases, this can lead to paid opportunities, such as becoming a professional book reviewer or gaining access to exclusive content.

So, if you love discovering new books and sharing your thoughts, Goodreads Giveaways are an excellent way to enjoy your passion and potentially get paid to read books in the long run.

5. Get Paid to Read Books Using Online Book Review Websites

If you’re looking for websites where you can get paid for your book reviews, you’re in luck. Several popular platforms, such as Kirkus Reviews and Publishers Weekly, offer opportunities to turn your passion for reading into a rewarding gig.

Here are a few of these websites:

  1. Kirkus Reviews: Kirkus Reviews is well-known for hiring freelance book reviewers. They provide guidelines for submission, and if your review is accepted, you’ll receive compensation for your work. You get to earn around $50 to $75 per 350 word review.
  2. Publishers Weekly: Publishers Weekly also hires freelance reviewers. They typically pay for well-written and insightful reviews. You can find submission guidelines on their website. Note that Publishers Weekly pays $25 per review.
  3. Booklist Online: Booklist, a publication from the American Library Association, offers paid opportunities for reviewers. They have clear instructions for submitting your reviews. Also, note that Booklist pays $15 for each review.

The submission process usually involves following the guidelines provided by these platforms. They may have specific criteria for the length and style of reviews. Compensation varies, but many of these websites offer payment for your reviews.

So, if you’re eager to get paid to read books consider exploring these online book review websites. They not only offer you the chance to share your thoughts on books but also reward you for your valuable insights.

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6. Get Paid to Read Books Blogging 

Get Paid to Read Books Blogging Pin

If you’re passionate about books and enjoy sharing your thoughts, starting a book blog can be a fantastic way to get paid to read books. Here’s how to get started and monetize your love for literature.

Starting Your Book Blog:

  1. Choose a Niche: Decide what aspect of books you want to focus on, whether it’s book reviews, author interviews, or literary discussions.
  2. Select a Platform: You can use platforms like WordPress or Blogger to create your blog. Choose a user-friendly option that suits your needs.
  3. Create Quality Content: Write engaging and insightful posts. Make sure your reviews are honest and helpful to your readers.


  1. Affiliate Marketing: Sign up for affiliate programs with book retailers like Amazon. You can earn commissions when your readers purchase books through your affiliate links.
  2. Sponsored Content: Collaborate with authors, publishers, or book-related businesses for sponsored posts or reviews. They may pay you for promoting their products.

Building an Audience:

  1. Consistency: Post regularly to keep your audience engaged. A consistent schedule helps your readers know when to expect new content.
  2. Engage with Your Readers: Respond to comments and engage with your audience on social media. Building a community around your blog can be rewarding.
  3. SEO Optimization: Use relevant keywords and meta descriptions to improve your blog’s visibility on search engines.
  4. Promote on Social Media: Share your blog posts on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to reach a wider audience.

By sharing your passion for books through your blog and implementing these strategies, you can attract a dedicated readership and find opportunities to get paid to read books through affiliate marketing and sponsored content.

7. YouTube Book Review Channels

Are you comfortable in front of a camera? If you are, creating a YouTube channel dedicated to book reviews might be your avenue to get paid to read books in a visual way.

Creating Your YouTube Book Review Channel:

  1. Pick Your Niche: Decide the type of books you want to review. Whether it’s novels, non-fiction, or a specific genre, choose a niche that you’re passionate about.
  2. Quality Content: Invest in a good camera and microphone to ensure your videos are clear and audible. Create engaging and informative reviews.

Earning Income:

  1. Ad Revenue: Once your channel gains popularity, you can earn income through YouTube ads. The more views and engagement your videos receive, the more you can earn.
  2. Sponsorships: Companies and authors may sponsor your videos, paying you to review their books or related products.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: Similar to blogging, you can use affiliate links in your video descriptions. When viewers click those links and make purchases, you earn a commission.

Creating a loyal following is key to success. Interact with your viewers by responding to comments and asking for their opinions. Promote your channel on social media to reach a wider audience.

8. NetGalley

NetGalley offers a platform for reviewers to access advance copies of books. Publishers use this platform to provide free books to reviewers in exchange for their honest feedback and reviews. It’s a place where you can truly get paid to read books.

On NetGalley, a vast array of books is available for reviewers to choose from, spanning various genres and interests. Reviewers actively select the books they wish to engage with, and publishers actively seek feedback from those who access their pre-release copies.

Publishers find value in these early reviews, as they help them understand how readers perceive their upcoming titles. By actively participating in the review process, reviewers play a critical role in shaping the future of these literary works.

In essence, NetGalley serves as a dynamic platform, connecting publishers and reviewers in a mutually beneficial partnership. Reviewers have the active opportunity to explore books before they hit the market and share their thoughts, making NetGalley a fantastic place to get paid to read books.

9. Get Paid to Read Books Using Online Writing Contests

Online Writing ContestsPin

Several online writing contests provide opportunities to win cash prizes by reviewing books. If you’re looking to get paid to read books here’s how you can find and enter these contests:

  1. Reader’s Favorite Book Awards: This contest specifically rewards book reviews. Authors and publishers submit their books, and you can enter by writing reviews for the titles listed in the contest. Note that Readers’ Favorite provides $31,000 of their services as prizes to our contestants.
  2. Online Writing Communities: Many websites and forums dedicated to writing and reading, such as Wattpad, have contests that involve book reviews. Keep an eye on these communities for announcements about reviewing contests.

To participate, actively seek out these contests on their respective platforms and follow the guidelines provided. Write thoughtful and engaging reviews to increase your chances of winning. Remember, these contests are not only a way to get paid to read books but also an excellent way to hone your reviewing skills and share your love of literature with a broader audience.

Also: How to Make $100 in 5 Minutes – 11 Best Ways

10. Get Paid to Read Books Using Bookstagram 

Bookstagram, the Instagram haven for book enthusiasts, offers a vibrant platform to get paid to read books through sponsored posts. You can make $100+ per review running your own bookstagram page. Here’s how you can actively collaborate with publishers and authors for these opportunities and tips for growing your book-related Instagram account:

Partnering with Publishers and Authors:

  1. Engage Actively: Publishers and authors often look for bookstagrammers with an engaged audience. Actively post your book reviews, recommendations, and captivating bookish content to attract their attention.
  2. Reach Out: Don’t hesitate to reach out to publishers and authors whose books you’re passionate about. Propose collaboration ideas, such as showcasing their books in your posts or hosting giveaways.
  3. Transparency: Clearly communicate that your post is a sponsored one. Honesty is key in maintaining the trust of your followers.

Growing Your Bookstagram Account:

  1. Consistent Posting: Regularly share content related to books. Consistency keeps your followers engaged and attracts new ones.
  2. Quality Photos: Invest in good lighting and use high-quality images. Attractive photos can make your posts stand out.
  3. Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags like #bookstagram and #bookreview to increase the discoverability of your posts.
  4. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and actively interact with your followers. Building a community is essential.
  5. Collaborate with Other Bookstagrammers: Collaborations with fellow book lovers can introduce your account to a broader audience.

By actively following these strategies, you can make your Bookstagram account a thriving space where you not only enjoy your love for books but also get paid to read books through partnerships with publishers and authors.

11. LibraryThing Early Reviewers

LibraryThing’s Early Reviewers program offers a fantastic opportunity to actively receive free books in exchange for reviews, allowing you to get paid to read books.

How to Sign Up and Participate:

  1. Create an Account: Start by creating an account on LibraryThing if you don’t already have one. It’s a straightforward process, and it’s free.
  2. Browse Available Books: Once you’re logged in, explore the list of available books for review. These books often include both new releases and advance copies.
  3. Request a Book: Choose a book that interests you and request it. Be active in selecting books that genuinely intrigue you and align with your reading preferences.
  4. Wait for Selection: The publishers or authors will select reviewers from the pool of requests. If you’re chosen, you’ll receive a copy of the book.
  5. Read and Review: After you receive the book, actively read it and provide an honest review. Your feedback helps authors and publishers.

LibraryThing’s Early Reviewers program actively connects readers with books they love, offering the chance to actively contribute reviews in exchange for free books. It’s a wonderful way to enjoy your passion for reading while being part of a community that values your insights.

12. Get Paid to Read Books Using BookTuber Collaborations

Collaborating with fellow BookTubers can be an exciting way to actively get paid to read books and create content that resonates with your audience. Here’s how you can actively explore this avenue and tips for connecting with other creators:

Collaborative Income Potential:

  1. Shared Content: Collaborations can involve reviewing books together, hosting reading challenges, or engaging in discussions about your favorite reads. By actively sharing content, you can reach a broader audience and potentially increase your income.
  2. Monetization Opportunities: As your BookTube channel grows, you can actively monetize your videos through ads and sponsored content. Collaborations can make your channel more appealing to advertisers.

Connecting with Other Creators:

  1. Engage Actively: Comment on and like videos from BookTubers you admire. Actively engaging with their content can lead to positive connections.
  2. Direct Messages: Many creators are open to collaboration ideas. Actively send direct messages to discuss potential joint projects. Be courteous and clear about your intentions.
  3. Participate in Challenges: Join book-related challenges initiated by other BookTubers. This can actively introduce you to the community and potential collaborators.
  4. Attend Bookish Events: Actively participate in book-related events and conventions. You may meet fellow BookTubers who are open to collaborating.

Collaborations not only offer the opportunity to get paid to read books but also enrich your content and foster a sense of community among BookTube creators. Building relationships with fellow creators can be a rewarding part of your BookTube journey.

13. BookScouter: Making Money Selling Used Books

BookScouter is a platform that actively enables users to make money by selling their used books. Here’s how you can actively use the platform to sell books:

  1. Search for Your Book: Start by actively searching for the book you want to sell on the BookScouter website. Enter the ISBN or title, and the platform will actively provide a list of offers from various book buyers.
  2. Choose the Best Offer: Actively compare the offers presented to you. You’ll see details like the buyback price, the buyer, and their requirements. Select the offer that suits your preferences.
  3. Create an Account: If you don’t have one, create an account on the platform. Actively provide the necessary information, ensuring your details are accurate.
  4. Ship Your Book: After selecting the offer, actively follow the instructions provided by the buyer. This often includes packaging the book and mailing it to the specified address. Be sure to meet any active requirements, such as book condition or packaging guidelines.
  5. Get Paid: Once the buyer receives and verifies your book, you’ll actively receive payment. The method of payment can vary depending on the buyer’s terms, but it’s usually through PayPal or a check.

Using BookScouter actively allows you to sell your used books and make some money in the process. It’s an efficient and user-friendly way to earn from books you no longer need.

14. Get Paid to Read Books Using Online Freelance Writing Platforms

If you’re eager to get paid to read books through freelance opportunities, consider exploring platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and others where you can actively discover freelance book review gigs.

Finding Freelance Book Review Opportunities:

  1. Platform Registration: Begin by actively signing up on platforms such as Upwork or Freelancer. Create a complete profile that includes your experience and interests in book reviews.
  2. Search and Apply: Actively search for book review gigs using keywords like “book reviewer” or “book critic.” You’ll find various active job listings in this category. Review the job descriptions and apply to those that interest you.

Creating a Compelling Profile and Landing Gigs:

  1. Profile Optimization: Actively optimize your profile by highlighting your passion for books and your proficiency in writing. Share your experience with book reviewing if applicable.
  2. Portfolio: Create an active portfolio showcasing your writing skills. If you have prior book reviews, include them in your portfolio to demonstrate your expertise.
  3. Personalize Proposals: When applying for gigs, actively customize your proposals to each job. Explain your enthusiasm for the project and how your skills align with the requirements.
  4. Maintain Communication: Actively engage in communication with potential clients. Answer any questions promptly and professionally.
  5. Meet Deadlines: Once you land a gig, actively meet deadlines and provide high-quality book reviews. This will contribute to your reputation as a reliable reviewer.

These platforms offer a dynamic space to get paid to read books while actively showcasing your reviewing skills and building a portfolio. By proactively engaging with clients and fine-tuning your profile, you can secure book review opportunities on these freelance platforms.

15. Get Paid to Read Books Using Patreon for Book Lovers

Book enthusiasts can actively use Patreon to offer exclusive content and gain paying subscribers, providing an avenue to get paid to read books.

Using Patreon for Book Lovers:

  1. Profile Creation: Start by actively creating a Patreon profile. Describe your passion for books and the type of content you’ll provide, such as book reviews, reading recommendations, or author interviews.
  2. Exclusive Content: Actively offer exclusive content for your subscribers. This can include early access to book reviews, behind-the-scenes content, or personalized reading recommendations.
  3. Patreon Tiers: Create active Patreon tiers to offer different benefits at various price points. Here are some ideas:
    • Basic Tier: Offer access to exclusive book-related content, such as book reviews and reading lists, for a low monthly fee.
    • Intermediate Tier: Include personalized book recommendations, live Q&A sessions, or exclusive author interviews for a slightly higher subscription fee.
    • Premium Tier: Provide additional benefits like signed books, monthly book giveaways, or a one-on-one book discussion session for your top-tier subscribers.
  4. Promotion: Actively promote your Patreon page through social media and your book-related platforms. Share how subscribers can actively support your love for reading and receive exclusive content in return.
  5. Engagement: Actively engage with your subscribers by responding to comments and messages. Building a community around your passion for books is key to gaining and retaining paying subscribers.

By actively using Patreon, you can turn your love for books into an active income stream while actively offering unique content to your dedicated subscribers.

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16. Get Paid to Read Books Using Local Bookstores and Libraries

You can actively consider approaching local bookstores and libraries for paid opportunities related to your love for books, such as hosting book clubs or workshops. Here are tips for making these connections:

Approaching Local Bookstores and Libraries:

  1. Visit in Person: Actively visit your local bookstores and libraries to introduce yourself. Engaging in face-to-face interactions can build rapport.
  2. Express Your Ideas: Actively share your passion for books and your interest in hosting book-related events. Explain how these activities can enrich the local literary community.
  3. Prepare a Proposal: Actively create a proposal that outlines your event ideas, including topics, activities, and potential benefits to the store or library.

Making Connections:

  1. Attend Events: Actively participate in events held by your local bookstores and libraries. Engaging with their activities can make you more familiar to them.
  2. Build Relationships: Actively build relationships with store or library staff. Being approachable and enthusiastic about books can make them more inclined to collaborate with you.
  3. Highlight Your Expertise: Actively demonstrate your knowledge and passion for books. Sharing your insights can showcase your suitability for hosting book-related events.

By actively seeking opportunities in your local bookstores and libraries, you can get paid to read books while contributing to your community’s literary scene. These connections can lead to paid engagements that allow you to share your love for books with others.

Maximizing Earnings as a Paid Book Reader

If you want to get paid to read books and make the most of this opportunity, here are tips and tricks to actively optimize your income in this field:

1. Diversify Your Income Streams: Actively explore multiple avenues for earning money through books. This can include reviewing books, participating in book clubs, collaborating with authors, and offering book-related services.

2. Efficient Time Management: Actively schedule your reading and reviewing tasks. Allocate dedicated time for reading, taking notes, and writing reviews.

3. Set Clear Goals: Actively define your income goals and work toward them. Set targets for the number of books you’ll read and review within a given time frame.

4. Prioritize Quality: Actively focus on providing high-quality reviews and content. This can lead to better-paying opportunities and a more loyal audience.

5. Networking: Actively connect with fellow book enthusiasts, authors, and publishers. Networking can lead to new opportunities for paid book-related work.

6. Professional Development: Actively invest in improving your book-related skills. Consider courses or workshops to enhance your writing and reviewing abilities.

7. Time Management: Actively manage your time efficiently to read and review more books. Create a reading schedule and stick to it.

8. Additional Responsibilities: Actively explore additional responsibilities that can increase your earnings. This can include offering proofreading, editing, or manuscript critique services.

By actively implementing these strategies, you can maximize your earnings in the field of paid book reading while managing your time effectively to read more books and fulfill additional responsibilities.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Getting paid to read books is a rewarding endeavor, but it comes with its set of challenges. Here, we’ll explore common obstacles and active strategies to overcome them in your quest to get paid to read books.

1. Limited Opportunities: It can be a challenge to find consistent paid book reading opportunities, especially when starting. However, actively diversify your income sources. Explore multiple platforms, services, and book-related gigs to create a more stable income stream.

2. Time Management: Balancing reading and reviewing with other responsibilities can be challenging. On the other hand, actively create a schedule for your book-related tasks. Allocate specific times for reading, writing reviews, and networking.

3. Competition: The field of paid book reading is competitive, with many enthusiasts vying for the same opportunities. Nonetheless, it is essential that you actively stand out by providing high-quality reviews and building a unique brand. Network and collaborate with others in the field to expand your reach.

4. Earnings Fluctuations: Income can vary from month to month, making it difficult to predict your earnings. However, it is important that you actively set financial goals and budget effectively. Save during high-earning months to cover expenses during slower periods.

5. Burnout: Reading numerous books within tight deadlines can lead to burnout. nevertheless, actively pace yourself and avoid overcommitting. Prioritize self-care and take breaks when needed to maintain your enthusiasm for reading.

6. Finding Paid Gigs: Identifying paid opportunities can be a challenge, especially when you’re just starting. Actively research and network within the book community. Join online forums, follow industry news, and reach out to publishers, authors, and book-related platforms for potential gigs.

7. Rejection and Criticism: Not all reviews will be positive, and handling rejection or criticism can be tough. Actively develop resilience. Use constructive feedback to improve your reviews.

Get Paid to Read Books – Concluding Thought

In conclusion, there are numerous platforms and opportunities for those who aspire to get paid to read books. Whether you’re a passionate book lover, a dedicated reviewer, or a budding content creator, there’s a path that aligns with your interests and skills.

Now, it’s your turn to actively explore these options. Choose the ones that resonate with your passion and actively embark on the journey of “Getting Paid to Read Books.” Earning money from reading can be a highly rewarding endeavor for book lovers, allowing you to share your love of literature and make a living doing what you truly enjoy. So, dive into the world of paid book reading and turn your passion into an income stream.

FAQ – Get Paid to Read Books

1. How can I get paid to read books?

You can get paid to read books by exploring various opportunities like book reviewing, joining affiliate marketing programs, or hosting book-related content on platforms like YouTube or Patreon. These avenues offer income potential for book lovers.

2. What qualifications do I need to Get Paid to Read Books?

Earning income as a book reviewer doesn’t necessarily require formal qualifications. Your love for books, good communication skills, and the ability to write thoughtful and engaging reviews are often sufficient.

3. Is there a specific platform to find book review opportunities?

No, there isn’t one specific platform. Opportunities to get paid to read books are scattered across various platforms, including Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, YouTube, and freelance marketplaces like Upwork. You can explore these options to find the best fit for you.

4. Can I make a living solely by getting paid to read books?

While it’s possible to generate income through book-related activities, making a living solely from book reading can be challenging. Diversifying your income sources, such as hosting book-related content and offering services like editing or narration, can be beneficial.

5. Are there any risks associated with paid book reading opportunities?

While many opportunities are legitimate, it’s essential to be cautious. Ensure you understand the terms of engagement, avoid scams, and maintain the integrity of your reviews to safeguard your reputation as a book enthusiast actively seeking to get paid to read books

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