Author Info Box On Your Website: A Great Tool For Building A Recognized Brand

By Udochi J. Stephen

Building up brands and increasing your level of recognition in the social market these days have a lots of strategies that do not work.

In fact, as a blogger and author of several articles, it gets annoying when you have probably written so many articles and yet not gain any recognition whatsoever.

Well, it’s about time you get to know what you might not be doing right. Let’s take a walk together and check out what is it, we may be doing wrong. Come with me please.

Now your content quite alright belongs to you, but your bio is exactly where you have got to sell yourself a little bit. And there’s definitely nothing wrong with that, especially in the context of blogging.

In other words, as a blogger, your content without a proof of ownership and bio attached with it, does not promote you in anyway. A lot of bloggers have great content on their website, but no bio to show your readers who you really are.

Illustration is given below of a brief bio

sample author boxPin

— So, Lame, But I do have an About Me Page —

Sincerely, not everyone would be interested in reading your about page after reading your article.

About page on the other hand is also good. Especially if people wants to do business with you.

For instance, you are a graphics designer, and you wrote a blog post on “best WordPress themes”. Now if at the end of the blog review of your article on “best WordPress themes”, you wrote on your bio that you are a professional graphics designer.

What if someone comes across this post and feels you’re an authority in graphics? What if they click through to your bio? Have you taught of that?

This can get you to somewhere really good. In fact, you may end up being hired for some good paying work to do, perhaps at your own comfort. Meaning your reader can become a potential client. You see?

Which wouldn’t be possible if there was no bio about yourself in the first place.

However, if you happen to be a guest post blogger, meaning that you feature on top blogs, you can consider not using the same bio everywhere. You can add some spice to it on different platform. Reason, being that it is more interesting to your readers. And also duplicating same bio content is an SEO no – no to do.

— Things you Might want to consider in creating an Author Box  —

  1. Your Photo

Adding your photo is key to drawing a whole lots of attention, for readers to read all you have to say about yourself.

This means, you really have to cool down and spend some time in choosing the right picture to use. your photo does have to be so superb, but if you can afford going towards making it superb, it’s no problem.

Depending on your themes, your author photo will be pulled from gravata. And you may not have access to adding photo for a guest or co-author.  If you are not able to do these, then I so believe you are going to love this article “top five author plugins for WordPress”

  1. Social media profile link

After writing an interesting bio on your author box, it is always good you leave a social media link of yourself for your users to get through. Also if you allow guest post on your website, also give your co-authors the opportunity of attaching their social media link as well.

— Benefits of An Author Box  —

  1. It showcases confidence

For so many reasons, many people love anonymity so much that, they hardly know what opportunity passes them these days.

Well it could be because of they are shy, or that it’s out of ignorance. Whatever the reason could be, you shouldn’t expect a nameless, featureless blog to be famous, should they?

By getting a well-constructed author box under your posts, you show more courage than quite a significant portion of bloggers and content writers. It depicts strong confidence and that you are not afraid to stand by what you write.

  1. Strong Collaboration possibilities

Since, you are so confident to stand by what you write, your readers will surely get interested in collaborating with you. Especially, when it comes to guest posting for you. Which is once your brand has been strongly built. Also your bio, can get you some wonderful clients to work with as stated earlier.

  1. More traffic to your Blog post/content

When a reader reads a well written piece or content on your blog, it makes them hunger for more especially when they love that particular piece you have written.

Your author bio can include a link to a list of all your articles. Or, it can have two or three titles you know will attract attention.

This makes it much easier for the user to find your other pieces if included after (or before) every post. It means you are basically “cutting the middleman.”

When visitors check out your work without frantically searching it is a big plus in website optimization.

— Rounding Up —

It is very important and essential in building up your brand. As it is an essential component of doing business online.

I know everyone loves to build a brand for him or herself. Well I strong believe that building up an author box is one. Especially when it comes to well written content.

I guess you think same with me when it comes to building brand for ones’ self.

Feel free to air your opinion in the comment box if you have something contrary.

Your contribution is welcomed.

Best regards.


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