Skills of a Social Media Marketer: Unlocking Opportunities

Last updated Aug. 17, 2024

What are the skills of a social media marketer? A significant distinction exists between those who tirelessly hunt for jobs in social media marketing and those who seem to attract opportunities effortlessly. Understanding and developing the essential skills of a social media marketer can transform you from a job hunter to someone who is sought after by employers.

Job hunting is the act of seeking employment due to unemployment, underemployment, dissatisfaction with a current role, or a desire for a better position. The immediate goal is typically to secure a job interview, which may lead to employment. Job seekers often start by searching for job vacancies or employment opportunities.

On the other hand, securing a job often involves a position of employment, whether full-time or part-time. But what separates the consistent job hunters from those who land jobs with ease? The answer lies in mastering the skills of a social media marketer. Which approach do you prefer? Would you rather chase opportunities or have them come to you?

The Critical Difference

The difference between these two paths is clear.

What Job Hunters in Social Media Marketing Do

  1. Focus on CVs Over Proposals
    Job hunters often rely solely on their CVs, overlooking the importance of proposals. While a CV is a brief document outlining your education and work experience, a business proposal is a written offer from a seller to a potential buyer. Proposals are crucial in social media marketing as they position the buyer’s needs in a way that favors your services and demonstrates your ability to meet their requirements.
  2. Limited Thinking Beyond Job Boards
    Many job hunters don’t think outside the job board box. They stick to job specifications they can get, rather than targeting the roles they truly want. Starting with platforms like Mediabistro and Mashable is good, but you need to expand your search and think creatively about the roles that align with your skills as a social media marketer.
  3. Narrow Focus on Job Titles
    Job hunters often limit themselves to variations of common job titles like “link builder” or “community manager.” These positions often share similar duties, but thinking more broadly can open up new opportunities that better match your skills.
  4. Waiting for Organizations to Find Them
    Instead of allowing organizations to find them, job hunters keep searching without realizing that building an exceptional online presence can attract employers. If you establish yourself as a professional social media marketer through platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, the right opportunities will come to you.
  5. Not Following Industry Leaders
    Job hunters miss out on valuable insights by not following industry leaders. Identify those who have the job you want, connect with them, and learn from their experiences. Staying informed about industry trends and potential job openings can make a significant difference in your job search.

What Successful Social Media Marketers Do

  1. Commitment to Excellence
    Successful social media marketers are deeply committed to their work. They go beyond their job descriptions, taking on extra tasks and staying late when necessary. This commitment is rewarded by employers through opportunities for advancement, which in turn attracts more committed applicants.
  2. Continuous Learning and Skill Development
    They invest in their skills by taking online courses through platforms like Coursera, Alison, Udemy, and edX. The demand for social media marketing skills has risen sharply, and staying updated with the latest techniques is crucial. These courses and certifications help you stay competitive and refine the skills of a social media marketer.
  3. Targeted Social Media Ad Campaigns
    Top social media marketers know how to run effective ad campaigns. They don’t just look for jobs; they create targeted campaigns that showcase their skills directly to potential employers. For example, setting up a targeted Facebook ad campaign with a compelling landing page can demonstrate your ability to manage social media effectively.
  4. Optimizing Personal Social Profiles
    They ensure their social media profiles are polished and professional. This includes maintaining an up-to-date Facebook, LinkedIn, and X are account, with optimized descriptions and links to personal websites or portfolios. By doing this, they make it easy for employers to see their expertise at a glance.
  5. Highlighting Outgoing Personality Traits
    Finally, they emphasize soft skills like adaptability, strategic thinking, and decisiveness. Employers look for candidates who are not only technically proficient but also have the right personality to thrive in dynamic environments. Your resume and cover letter should reflect these traits to stand out in the competitive social media marketing field.

Skills of a Social Media Marketer – Concluding Thought

Transforming yourself from a job hunter to a job getter in social media marketing requires dedication to honing the right skills. By focusing on the essential skills of a social media marketer—such as continuous learning, strategic self-promotion, and adaptability—you can position yourself as a sought-after professional who attracts opportunities rather than chasing them.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. What strategies have you found most effective in building your social media marketing career? Have you tried any of the approaches mentioned above? Share your experiences, insights, or questions in the comments below—let’s start a conversation!

If you’re interested in sample proposals tailored to platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and X, feel free to contact me at I’m happy to provide additional guidance to help you land your next social media marketing job.

18 thoughts on “Skills of a Social Media Marketer: Unlocking Opportunities”

  1. Hi Yudee, interesting to read a totally different approach to getting a job. I am wondering though, how many people are following the process described. Or how many know of this, as I never read this before. I can see though that the people who will follow this method can become successful!

  2. I think its amazing these days how much social media plays a role in our daily lives. I am often on linkedin and other social channels and find that it is crazy how much people put on social media that any employer can find with a simple search. So many job candidates these days eliminate themselves from the jobs they want for something they posted on social media. great post, this is an interesting view on the topic that most people probably didnt even consider.

  3. Hey Yudee.
    I really like the idea of targeting employers with a social media strategy and can see this working for many different types of businesses too.
    In order to get a role we really want we need to be able to stand out from the crowd and create opportunities.

    I remember doing a one page advert as my cover letter on me for a marketing job, I got to the top of the interview pile with that one.

    I really enjoyed this article, it got my mind thinking.
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. I guess I’m totally behind the times because I’ve never thought about setting up a social media presence that allows potential employers to find me and then seek me out. Although thinking about it, if I could learn how to do this, it would be a huge asset to my career (and anyone’s I’m assuming). What platforms would you most target? Linked In probably right? Also would you suggest setting up a professional social media presence apart from your personal social media?

  5. Really, the best way to get a job is sell yourself. An nowadays we have plenty of tools to do it online.
    As you say, first you need to know which kind of job do you want and select potential employers. Learn as much as you can about their organizations and buil your social media profiles to get close to them.
    Network using LinkedIn, publish some papers or short posts around, get involved in speciallized groups and discussions,…
    People will know you and the emails or chats asking more information about you will start to come. Then is your chance to sell yourself and get the job.
    This is quite a hard work that not everyone is ready to do. But if you go through is you’ll get a good position, if not…just keep emailing CV’s.

  6. I did know that you can do courses to further your career. I myself have done this with a few courses. I didn’t know though that you could take social media classes for free.

    I am into computers, always have been, so this seems quite intriguing to me. Social media seems to be very important in a number of ways and it can be used to get noticed. I have just started a website so these classes wouldn’t be beneficial to me, so thank you for sharing this information.

  7. this seems to be one of the greatest information ever since unemployment have been roaming the whole country and the will to get such information was limited to job hunter. i as an individual have found this information more valuable and attractive
    thanks for the vital information shared once ore and please keep updating me in future


  8. Hey Yudee

    These are good strategies to follow.
    Social media has certainly changed the game when it comes to job hunting.
    Being willing to take an on-line course to widen ones knowledge and expertise are a great way to improve your employment chances.
    I find that too may people, especially university graduates, are too focused on getting employment in one specific field. That can be a mistake. The current economy calls for thinking outside the box.

  9. Hey, first things first. You site took quite a while to load just thought you could reduce the amount of plugins to fix that?

    I have been a employer of various companies and i can truly say that your information is definitely relatable and interesting. Keep up the good work!

  10. Hey Steve,

    I like how you tackle the idea of giving a brief but deep explanation about yourself on your social media pages to get hirers interested in your profile and want to hire you.

    I had this in mind when I thought of creating a Facebook fan page for my site but I feared it wouldn’t get any followers.

    Will giving this explanation help me get more followers?

  11. Hey Yudee,
    Before we start understand that I am 70 years old and all this termonology is very new to me . I actuallyhad to read it twice to understand the approach you were describing. That was me not your article. Once I understood it I thought WOW Yudee is on to something. It might be different but I believe it will put you ahead of the crowd. I liked the layout, It was nice looking and not boreing. Good job.
    Al Shuler

  12. Hey Yudee!

    Some great pointers here on how to use social media as a tool to get that sought after job.

    I never thought about setting up a website or facebook page to use as leverage to show off one’s talents.
    I figured that using that type of strategy would be only appreciated by those in the online business, but as you mentioned many employers are reviewing people’s soft skills.

    I wonder how many people use this strategy to get a job?

    Great ideas here Yudee…keep it up.


  13. I like the way how people can briefly present the idea of giving a brief introduction in social media like facebook, Twitter, and other sources. There are so many problems out there to find an employment who does not have a resume. Noting the fact that some people even dot know how to make a basic resume. So the articles come up with a big issue of unemployment that facing many countries

    I have a Facebook fan page for my blog but i am not able to increase the followers and drive visitors to my website, is there any way to do that. I would be more than happy if you share some ideas.

    Thank You.


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