Step by Step Guide to get your site recognized and indexed by search engines (Google, Bing, Yandex. Etc.)

By Udochi J. Stephen

When it comes to creating site awareness, most people limit it to social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. However, they fail to know that, more needs to be done to make your website more recognized beyond social-media.

Do you know that high percentage of traffic to a website/blog are gotten through search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex, etc.?

Especially when you have not done any webmaster proof with major search engines. Then, there is still work that needs to be done. Otherwise you will be in existence with less recognition.

Nobody wants to be recognized less. As much as many avoids less recognition, they are really not recognized to a great extent. But then,  I believe we should look at  what could be missing.

Now, to put this straight, a website looses great amount of recognition and traffic if not indexed by major search engines.

Once your website/blog is up and running, it needs recognition by major search engines. Which implies that webmaster verification with major search engines such as google, Bing and Yandex needs to be done.

However, before we go into the guide on how you can get your site indexed I will love to share with you the benefits of getting your sited indexed by search engines.



  1. More traffic as more people performs web search

When your site is indexed is gets recognition by search engines. And as people search for products and services daily using site engines, your website/blog shows up. So long their search words is related to what you offer.

  1. Rank you on top of web search based on keywords used

Here, keywords are important. Reason being that as part of website/blog optimization, the words you use are been ranked. The higher you get ranked the higher your site becomes more and more visible to people.

Website optimization have proven beyond doubt the best method to gaining increased website visitors and leads.

To understand more of this, you need to learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by clicking here

  1. Boost your website exposure

Exposure is so important here, which you only get when you have a better site ranking and site promotions. This makes and creates awareness out there about the kind of services rendered and increase the chances of having great site traffic.

  1. Brings Clients to your door steps

Once you have a good and great website optimization. It helps in attracting and bringing customers to you. This is because customers are always running several searches and research on the best of best product available as they enter keywords into search engines box. So long the keyword fits the kind of product and services you render. It increases the chance to check your product review and make purchase

  1. Gives feedback and analytics on your traffic progress

Most search engines such as google, Bing and Yandex have what we call analytics. This Analytics help you in monitoring and giving you feedback on how many people visit your site thought their search engine. You be amazed when you see the kind of traffic you get to pull. Especially when you are optimized with these search engines



For WordPress users, irrespective of the SEO tool plugin you are making use of. Every SEO tool setting have webmaster tools as part of their option. Go over to the option tagged “webmaster tool” and filling the code required into the verification box.

for example using SEO Yoast plugin for WordPress

click on dashboard




Then you click on webmaster tool. you will see a list of Search engine verification box to place meta tag code on.




To know how we get this code foe the verification process. we will be looking at the verification process of the three major search engine which are Google, Bing and Yandex. 



Google happens to be the biggest search engine as it ranks number one amongst all. To get started with it, you log on to google webmaster link

Meanwhile you have to have an email with google with is Gmail. Otherwise you can’t proceed

Once you log on to the google webmaster link

You get an image like this below


If you are good with coding, you can use the recommended method.

For simplicity sake I will recommend you use the alternate method. Hence click on the alternate method

Now, the alternate method presents you with lots of option to get verification done. To maintain simplicity, click on HTML tag

HTML tag gives you a code in the box. All you do is to copy the code in the box as shown in the picture below.


Place this code into your SEO plugin under google verification box and click save. After that go back to google webmaster tool and click verify. And you will show successful message if it was verified.

— BING —


Bing is another great search engine that is available in 40 languages and is owned and operated by Microsoft. Majority of PC used today uses windows OS and Microsoft embedded and this makes this search engine important.

To set this up you have to log on to the website here  and do ensure you have signed up for their mail services

Click on add my site option and enter your website address.




After that copy and paste the meta code to your SEO option verification box and Click save




Go back to your Bing dashboard and click verify and that’s all for Bing.


— Yandex—


Yandex is a search engine owned by Russian corporation. Yandex in januuary 2015 has proven to generate 51.2% of all search traffic in Russia according to live internet.

To get you site set up and indexed by yandex, you visit here

  1. You start by adding up your website



After that a meta code will be given. copy as illustrated in the picture below.



Paste it in your SEO verification box for yandex.

Return to yandex dashboard and verify. You are done.


Note that indexing can take 3 to 7 days.


Specially for Bloggers using Blogger Platform this one is specially for you.

First of log on to your blogger dashboard. Quickly go to settings and choose search preference.




Click on edit option in Meta Tags and enable description. Put your website description there.




After that, click on Layout and click on add Gadget.




Amongst the list of Gadget that will pop out, choose HTML/Java script




Add up the title of the gadget and fix in you meta tag code which looks like

<meta name=”google-site-verification” content=”mstkK_uwUDJAMQ1OeoACHop7SY8A9SoXKvd3A9xf0″/>

in the box below and save.


Go back to google webmaster dashboard and click save.

And you are done. You can add other search engine using this method.

hope this helps…


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