Is Substack Good for Blogging? Why You Should Consider It

Published Aug. 30, 2024

Is Substack good for blogging? Let’s find out.

If you have ever wondered which platform is best for starting a blog and are considering Substack, you should consider a few things to determine whether you should proceed.

Substack is quickly becoming a favorite in the blogging world. It’s not just another platform; it’s a unique mix of a newsletter service and a blogging tool. Substack offers something fresh, whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting.

In this article, we’ll explore if Substack is a good option for blogging. We’ll dive into its features, benefits, and even a few drawbacks. By the end, you’ll know if it’s the right fit for you.

Is Substack Good for Blogging? – Let’s See

What is Substack?

Substack was founded in 2017 to help writers publish newsletters and connect directly with readers. Since then, it has grown fast, attracting both popular writers and new voices.

Core Features:

  • Newsletter format: Substack centers around newsletters, letting writers share content directly with their subscribers.
  • Subscription-based model: Readers can subscribe for free or pay for exclusive content.
  • Built-in monetization options: Writers can earn money easily through paid subscriptions.
  • Ease of use: It’s simple to set up and start writing without needing technical skills.

Comparison with Traditional Blogging Platforms:

Traditional platforms like WordPress and Medium offer broad customization and community features. However, Substack differs in that it focuses on direct reader relationships and monetization. Unlike WordPress, where you manage hosting and design, or Medium, which relies on algorithm-based discovery, Substack allows you to build a subscriber base that you control.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Using Substack

  • Monetization: One of Substack’s biggest draws is direct earnings. Writers can charge for subscriptions, allowing them to make money directly from their readers.
  • Audience Building: Substack leverages the power of email newsletters. This helps build a loyal readership. Subscribers get content straight to their inbox, which feels more personal.
  • Simplicity: There’s no need for any technical setup. Substack handles all the backend work, from hosting to sending emails.
  • Focus on Content: Writers can spend more time creating and less time managing a blog. Substack removes distractions like design tweaks or plugin updates.

Disadvantages of Using Substack

  • Limited Design Customization: Substack doesn’t offer much in terms of design flexibility. Unlike WordPress or other platforms, you can’t heavily customize the look of your blog.
  • Platform Dependency: There are risks in building an audience on a third-party platform. If Substack changes its policies or faces issues, your blog could be affected.
  • Content Ownership and Portability: Moving your content from Substack to another platform can be challenging. You may face hurdles in exporting and setting up elsewhere.

Who Should Consider Using Substack?

Niche Writers and Experts

Substack is great for niche writers who know their audience well. If you create content on specific topics, like vegan cooking or digital marketing, Substack helps you connect directly with readers interested in your niche.

Independent Journalists and Writers

For independent journalists and writers, Substack offers freedom. It allows you to publish on your own terms without needing a large media company. Plus, you can monetize your work through subscriptions, keeping all the profits.

Bloggers Looking to Monetize

Substack can be a better option for bloggers aiming to earn directly from their audience. Instead of relying on ads or sponsored posts, you earn from your readers through paid subscriptions.

Writers Who Value Simplicity

If you prefer writing over managing a website, Substack is perfect. You don’t need to worry about hosting, plugins, or design. Substack’s straightforward setup lets you focus on what matters most: your content.

How to Get Started on Substack

Setting Up Your Account:

In our ‘Is Substack good for blogging’ journey, it is good that we know how to sign up for Subsatck. Getting started on Substack is easy. First, visit Substack’s website and click on ‘Create your substack’

Is Substack Good for Blogging - Setting Up Your AccountPin

Next, enter your email address.


After that, set up your profile

Is Substack Good for Blogging - set up your profilePin

Then, choose what you would like your publication URL to look like.


If you have a mailing list, you have the option of importing them; otherwise, click ‘skip for now’

is substack good for blogging - mailing listPin

Add subscribers; it could be your friends and family; add them to your mailing list. If you don’t want that, click on ‘Skip for now’


The next step is to choose your interest. I’d like to call this niche. Read all there is about it here to get the full picture.

is substack good for blogging - choose your interest.Pin

Once you have chosen your interest, all is set! Congratulations!


You have a few things to do in your dashboard, which include setting payment, getting your first 10 subscribers, and writing a post.

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To get your first ten subscribers, it is ideal to share your Substack URL.


Is Substack Good for Blogging?  – Creating Your First Post

Once logged in, you’ll be directed to your dashboard. Here, click on the “Write your first post” button


Substack editor: Substack provides a simple, distraction-free editor where you can write your post. You can add text, images, links, and even embed media like videos or tweets.

Use the formatting toolbar to style your text, create headers, and insert quotes.

Substack editor: is substack good for bloggingPin

Add a Title and Subtitle: At the top of the editor, there’s a space to enter your post title. You can add a subtitle below the title if needed. This is optional but can help clarify the post’s content.

Preview Your Post: Before publishing, it’s a good idea to preview your post. Click on the “Preview” button to see how it will appear to your readers.

Preview Your Post - is substack good for bloggingPin

Choose Your Audience: Substack allows you to choose who can view your post. You can send it to all your subscribers, or restrict it to paid subscribers only. Select the appropriate option based on your preferences.


Publish the Post: Once you’re satisfied with your post, click the “Publish” button. You’ll have the option to publish immediately or schedule the post for a later date and time.


Send as an Email (Optional): Substack also allows you to send your post as an email to your subscribers. After clicking “Publish,” you can choose to send it right away, or schedule the email for a specific ti

is substack good for blogging - Send as an Email (Optional)Pin


Customizing Your Substack Newsletter

To make your newsletter stand out, start by choosing a clean and readable layout. Use Substack’s simple tools to add your logo, pick your colors, and format your text. Keep it visually appealing but straightforward, so your content remains the focus.

Growing Your Audience

Building subscribers is key. Share your newsletter link on social media, and ask friends and followers to subscribe. Engage with readers by responding to comments and emails. Cross-promote with other Substack writers to tap into their audiences. This helps boost your reach and build a loyal following.

Alternatives to Substack

Traditional Blogging Platforms:

If you’re asking, “is Substack good for blogging?” it’s worth considering other options too. Traditional platforms like WordPress or Medium offer more customization and community features. WordPress gives full control over design and functionality, while Medium offers a large, built-in audience.

Email Newsletter Platforms:

Other platforms like Mailchimp and Revue also provide email marketing tools. Unlike Substack, these are designed primarily for newsletters, with more features for segmentation and automation. They can be better if you want more control over your email list or prefer advanced marketing tools.

How to Monetize Substack


Before you can monetize Substack using its built-in features, be sure to fill in your account details.


Substack offers multiple ways to turn your writing into income. Here’s how:

1. Paid Subscriptions:

The most common way to earn on Substack is by offering paid subscriptions. You can charge readers a monthly or yearly fee to access your content. Some writers keep a portion of their content free and ask readers to pay for premium content. This strategy allows you to build trust with your audience before they commit to paying.

2. Tiered Membership Levels:

Substack allows you to create different subscription tiers. You could offer basic, premium, and VIP levels. Each tier offers more exclusive content or benefits, like early access to posts, exclusive newsletters, or one-on-one Q&A sessions. This encourages readers to choose higher-paying options.

3. Paid Newsletters:

You can create specific newsletters that are only available to paid subscribers. This can include special reports, in-depth articles, or content that dives deeper into your niche. It’s a great way to provide value and keep your readers engaged.

4. Donations and Support:

Substack also allows you to accept donations. Some readers might want to support you without subscribing. You can add a simple “Support” button for one-time or recurring contributions.

5. Bundling Content:

If you have multiple newsletters or work with other writers, you can bundle them together. This means offering a package deal to readers, allowing them access to multiple newsletters at a discounted rate. It’s a win-win: readers get more content, and you increase your income.

Final Verdict: Is Substack Good for Blogging?

So, is Substack good for blogging? It comes down to your goals as a writer. Substack shines for those who want simplicity, direct connections with readers, and easy monetization. It’s perfect if you’re looking for a straightforward way to publish and earn without the fuss of managing a full website.

Substack is best suited for niche writers, independent journalists, and bloggers aiming to monetize their content quickly. If you love writing but dislike handling the technical side of blogging, Substack is a great choice. However, if you need full control over the design or want a wide range of customization, platforms like WordPress might be better.

Substack gives you the freedom to write and get paid without distractions.”It offers a unique balance between ease of use and monetization, making it a compelling choice for many.

Why not give Substack a try? Start your own newsletter today and see if it fits your blogging style. Explore its features, connect with readers, and maybe even start earning.

Have you tried Substack? What’s your experience been like? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Additional Resources;

Is Substack Good for Blogging? – FAQs

Is Substack better than WordPress?

It depends. Substack is simpler and great for monetization. WordPress offers more design control and features.

Can I move my content from Substack to another platform?

Yes, but it can be tricky. You may need to export manually or use third-party tools.

How much does it cost to use Substack?

Substack is free to use. They take a small percentage of paid subscriptions.

Do I own my content on Substack?

Yes, you own your content. However, it’s hosted on their platform.

How do I monetize my Substack newsletter?

You can monetize by setting up paid subscriptions or offering premium content to your readers.


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